From  7,15


Latin Name: Trigonella Caerulea L.

Country Origin: Croatia

Trigonella caerulea, commonly known as blue fenugreek or “shambalileh” in Persian, is a herbaceous plant native to the eastern Mediterranean region and parts of Central Asia. It belongs to the Fabaceae family and shares similarities with the more commonly known fenugreek. However, what sets Trigonella caerulea apart is its striking blue flowers, which give it a distinctive appearance. Its seeds and leaves are employed in various cuisines, particularly in Middle Eastern and Central Asian cooking, where they impart a flavour to dishes. It has a mildly bitter flavour.


– Trigonella Caerulea helps improve digestion by reducing bloating and soothing gastrointestinal issues.
– Blue Fenugreek boosts the immune system.
– It is rich in antioxidants and may help improve skin tone and reduce the appearance of certain skin conditions.

– As a Spice or Seasoning

Crush or grind the dried leaves to release their aroma and sprinkle them into curries, soups, or stews for a slightly bitter, nutty flavour.

– Herbal Tea

Steep 1–2 teaspoons of dried blue fenugreek leaves in hot water for 5–10 minutes to make a soothing herbal tea. Add honey or lemon if desired.


To enhance their flavour, lightly toast the dried leaves before using them in recipes. Start with small amounts, as their flavour is strong and can become overpowering.

– Trigonella caerulea is generally considered safe when consumed in moderate amounts.

– However, in large amounts, it may cause stomach upset, nausea, or diarrhoea in some individuals.

– Also may cause skin rashes, itching, or respiratory issues.

– Pregnant or breastfeeding women advised to consult with a healthcare professional before adding blue fenugreek to their routine.

Additional information

Weight N/A

50g, 100g, 200g, 300g, 400g, 500g

SKU: ORGBLFENL Categories: ,