Latin Name : Cinnamomum Verum
Origin Country: Sri Lanka
Ceylon Cinnamon is considered by many to be “true” cinnamon and originates specifically from the tree known as cinnamomum zeylanicum. Cassia is considered more spicy in taste while Ceylon cinnamon is lighter with a mild aroma, softer in texture and sweeter, due to the high content of essential oils. It is typically more expensive and difficult to find than the cassia cinnamon varieties.
– Cholesterol : Cinnamon, even in relatively low quantities, is believed to lower a person’s LDL bad cholesterol and thus improve the person’s cholesterol ratio and overall cardiac health.
– Inflammation: Ceylon cinnamon may have anti-inflammatory properties. As arthritis is a common ailment involving inflammatory pain, cinnamon has been suggested as a potential treatment for arthritis.
– Diabetes: Cinnamon may help regulate blood sugar. Some researchers have investigated the effects of using cinnamon as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, otherwise known as adult-onset diabetes
– Cinnamon tea is often touted to help with weight loss, and several studies have linked cinnamon intake to fat loss or reductions in waist circumference.
– Cinnamon tea may help make some menstrual symptoms, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and dysmenorrhea.
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